Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hair ; An Epiphany

A Musical. Things that grow from our head. The second one more importantly. My hair is bad news. I cut it short. The biggest mistake ever! Ugh. Im so dumb sometimes. Im starting school in 3 weeks and im pissed off. Im moving from home, how am i going to do my hair? Wear a scarf and look like aunt jemima? Nooooo. I cant flat iron it that well. I suck at braiding my own hair. Should i get dreads? Ive been thinking about it and what would look good on my head and my glasses. Ive been wanting to wear it naturally. My hair used to be long until i burnt it with lye. Now im left with a kinda afroish/straightish/poofish short round thing on top of my head ! im too ashamed to post pictures but if you want to see email me or message me. i have been purchasing loads of mags to get styles from. Most of them are weaves/texturizers/perms. I think i have come to a final conclusion. I hate my hair. I do . It isnt the greatest thing to think about. But i realize i do hate it. Why? Its not long and flowing and straight like everyone elses who is called pretty. Yah. Yah! i know! Woe as me, boo hoo. Seriously, though. My hair is turning agianst me as i have turned agianst it. Or is it only me. I can not accept it for what it is ... i want definition even if i have curly..i want it silky and shiny. Or am i asking for the heavens to scoop my hair up throw it away, and replace it with a permanent wig? I cut off all my hair once when i was 10 and my mother spanked me. I was cutting my hair for fun. I think after that moment i realised hair was so much more than dead peices of string. It was who i was, what people juged me by. My attractiveness. Would my boyfriend still have dated me if i was bald? would my friends still talk to me? Would anyone call my pretty? Why should i care? Im and cool chick, regardless of weither my hair is there or not. Or am i??

This is honestly what i look like.

Well maybe not...


Former Mushroom-Haired Child said...

Hi there Hazel,

I wanted to thank you for your comment on my blog. You made excellent points. It does seem like the bar far what is considered beautiful keeps lightening and straightening. And that leaves so many beautiful people out there thinking they aren't beautiful because they can't meet this arbitrary standard.

So I came over here to say hello, and saw your post about your hair. Oh my gosh, I remember feeling just like you did! I hated my hair so much! I felt like it humiliated me all the time, so I punished it like I felt it was punishing me. And I used to pray for different hair, hair to finally make me pretty. Hair like everyone elses hair.

But here's the thing. When I finally did decide to make peace with my hair, it's like a whole universe opened up. It's been this revalation to me. Your hair is beautiful, Hazel. You just have to find what it needs. I have a website devoted to helping fellow tightly curlies with tips on what to do with their hair at BiracialHair . It might help. Or at least show you you aren't alone. If you are curious about what I used to do to my hair, you can check out some of my other pictures. After what I went through with my hair, I don't want anyone else to go through what I did with theirs. My heart so goes out to you.

I love that you are here asking all the questions, and brave enough to put it out there for the rest of us to read.


♡ ♥ [m a r i . b e e]. ♡ said...

hey i just read your comment on "notes of a former mushroom haired child" and then i stalked you to your blog lol and came across this post, the best advice i would have to give to you, since i am transitioning to natural as well, is to do transitioning styles! there's a whole bunch of them that you can find on youtube. the one i do 24/7 /// religiously, is sort of like a two-strand twist / bantu-knot, but i take them out in the morning to reveal lovely curls...of course the roots sort of look like a different texture that the relaxed ends [the curl part], it still looks cute! i think you may be able to see it in my picture...

i don't know if you still need help with anything else, but let me know if you do! until then i'll follow your blog! you seem pretty cool..

and i just noticed your location...i live in the bay area as well...san jose!